Tuesday, December 8, 2009


I had to do a quick workout this morning as I had to get to an early dentist appointment so I did a ten minute jumping routine on my mini-trampoline. Whenever I am pressed for time, the mini-trampoline is a great way to get moving. I will run in place, do jumping jacks, jump and kick, jump and punch, perform jump squats and jump side to side just to name a few things.

After ten minutes of jumping I was warm and ready to do my Pistol routine. I started with doing my usual descent first on my right leg and rolling back and coming up on both legs. After ten on my right leg I felt ready to try to roll up back on just one leg. I have tried to do this in the past but never was able to do it without collapsing back down on my back. With my right leg, I did it on my second try and then did three more to make sure it wasn't a fluke. This boosted my confidence - I was making real progress. It felt great!

Next I did ten on my weaker left leg rolling up on both legs. Then the moment of truth - rolling back up on my left leg. My first two attempts were unsuccessful. Back on my butt I landed. For my third try, I got all psyched up and did it! It wasn't pretty but I got it done. I tried it again and failed but then did two more successfully. With my left leg it requires more focus on getting the momentum to rise. I expected my left leg to be weaker so I am still very pleased with the progress.

I think at this point I will roll up only on one leg for my routine as I think I have graduated from both legs. I will work on getting it smooth and easy as I was doing on two legs. Once I am fluid at descending and rising on only one leg, I will try to roll back and hold the bottom position which I think will be my biggest challenge. I am going to also practice just holding myself in that bottom position either holding a weight or just holding onto something to keep me balanced. This feels good and I want to keep the momentum going.


  1. Congrats Ken! You can and always will make progress if you keep practicing. Learning a new skill usually requires creativity and ingenuity. Lifestyle factors, like a sedentary job, won't prevent you from making progress, but they may make progress a little harder to achieve. Keep it up!

  2. Thanks John for the kind words of encouragement. I could use all the help I can get! I knew when I started it wouldn't take me 12 days like yourself but I very pleased so far. Can't wait to do the routine tomorrow.
