Friday, November 20, 2009

The Pistol

The single leg squat or "the pistol" as it is called is one of those exercises that most people struggle to perform including yours truly.  It is a true test of balance, strength, and flexibility.  If you are weak in any of those areas - I am sure I fall short in all three - your muscles will immediately give you the vote of no confidence and you will find yourself on your back or your butt crawling off the floor.

I have tried a few methods but never committed to a daily routine to actually master the pistol.  In the articles and demos that I have tried no method seemed to have a logical daily progression that would work for me until today when I found this article in John Sifferman's blog.

What I like best about John's method is that I am starting where he started.  His post includes a video and and he writes how he progressed with daily practice from where I am today - I can lower myself on one leg to a certain point and then I collapse down to my butt and onto my back -  to twelve days later where he can now perform the pistol - and more than just one repetition!  I am going to give this a my best effort every day and track my progress here in my blog.  It should be fun.  I will be away during Thanksgiving and since this only requires my body and no extra equipment I can practice this anywhere anytime.

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