To be fair, I haven't tried the machine and it may in fact provide an excellent 4 minute workout. I do believe that you can get a great workout in 4 minutes as it has been proven with the tabata. A tabata is 4 minute workout where you perform high intensity work for 20 second segments and rest for 10 seconds so in a 4 minute period you will have done 8 high intensity segments and 8 rest segments. If that sounds easy to you, buy a jump rope and a Gymboss Interval Timer and jump as fast as you can for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds and repeat this process seven more times. I highly recommend the Gymboss Interval Timer as it lets you program dual intervals and beeps and/or vibrates after each segment. Other great exercises for tabata are kettlebell swings, thrusters, burpees, and sprints (running or on a stationary bike). Be forewarned, if you are not used to doing intense exercise you may have to work up to the 4 minutes. It is not as easy as it may sound. If you are not breathing heavily after the four minutes you probably did not work hard enough. Using a heart rate monitor can help you see exactly how hard you are working. Do this workout 5 days a week for 6 weeks and you should see some great results. Even if your results are only half as good as the $16,415 contraption, you just saved yourself quite a bit of money getting in shape.
For more in depth information about tabatas click here.