Saturday, April 30, 2011

SealFit Workout of the Day 4-30-2011 and Upcoming Race Challenges

I wasn't going to work out today but then I stumbled upon the SEALFIT website which was advertised on the Super Spartan Race website which is coming to South Carolina on  June 25th.  Today's (4/30/2011) workout of the day or (WOD) as they call it looked interesting to me.  They called it Old School and that grabbed my attention.  All bodyweight - no weights.  The workout is as follows:

Work Capacity:  Old School Pyramid (see notes):
  • 1 x Dip
  • 2 x Push-up
  • 3 x Sit Ups
  • 4 x Air Squat
Start round one with the number x presented.  Add 1x each round until you do 10 x dips, 20 x Push-ups, 30 x Sit-ups and 40 x Squats.  Then work your way down again. Do  not repeat the 10 round.

Seems simple enough and at first glance it appears easy - at least the first round appears easy.  If you complete the entire pyramid you have done 400 air squats, 300 sit ups, 200 push-ups, and 100 dips.  Not too shabby for a day's work.

I gave it a go even though I was sore from yesterday's workout and was able to complete up to the 10th round to the top of the pyramid but my arms were smoked and rationalized that if a 44 year old guy could do half of what a Navy Seal can do in the gym - he's not doing too bad.  My goal is to do the entire pyramid before the Super Spartan Race event in late June.

I am looking at three races over the next couple of months.  First, the Rock2Rock Run on Friday May27th at 5pm.  I have done this challenging 10K for the last two years.  My goal is to break under an hour.  Last year I did it in 1:09 after doing it in 1:16 on my first visit. My time improved even with taking a wrong turn on the way down and getting a bad cramp in my left calf which slowed me down considerably.  Both times I did the race , the 3.5 mile climb to the top of the mountain kicked my butt more than any workout I have ever done.  I hope to get better at it as I get older.  For more info on the Rock2Rock Run click here.

The next race I am looking to partake in is the Metro Dash.  This is an endurance obstacle course being held on the field of the Charlotte Motor Speedway up in Concord, NC on June 11th.  No mud in this one - just crazy obstacles and less running than I am usually used to.  You can enter as an individual or a team of 4.  I will run solo for this one.  For more information and dates and locations, check it out here.

Finally as mentioned earlier, the Super Spartan Race on June 25th looks like a pretty tough challenge.  It is an individual and team mud race with 8 miles of running with lots of tough obstacles.  You can find out more about it here.

That should provide me with some motivation.  Until next time!